
MetaClass provides mechanisms via which the developer can intercept and preprocess JavaDoc tags for a class prior to them being written out into the MetaClass descriptor. This allows the developer to write an interceptor that filters out unwanted JavaDoc tags, translates deprecated attributes to a non-deprecated form and performs validation on the remaining attributes.

My First Interceptor

All interceptors implement the interface and should extend the base class. By extending DefaultQDoxAttributeInterceptor the developer is less likely to have broken code if the QDoxAttributeInterceptor interface changes in the future.

For example a developer could decide that they wanted to filter out all of the standard JavaDoc attributes such as '@version', '@author' etc as they are not used in their application and only increase the size of the generated metadata descriptor. To do this the developer could just filter out any attribute that has a name equal to a predefined set of names. The following source code performs that attribute filtering.

public class StandardJavadocStripper
    extends DefaultQDoxAttributeInterceptor
    public Attribute processClassAttribute( JavaClass clazz,
                                            Attribute attribute )
        return processAttribute( attribute );

    public Attribute processFieldAttribute( JavaField field,
                                            Attribute attribute )
        return processAttribute( attribute );

    public Attribute processMethodAttribute( JavaMethod method,
                                             Attribute attribute )
        return processAttribute( attribute );

    private Attribute processAttribute( final Attribute attribute )
        final String name = attribute.getName();
        if( name.equals( "version" ) ||
            name.equals( "author" ) ||
            name.equals( "return" ) ||
            name.equals( "exception" ) ||
            name.equals( "throws" ) ||
            name.equals( "param" ) )
            return null;
            return attribute;

Using the Interceptor

After the developer has written the interceptor they have to get the ant task to use the interceptor. This is done by adding a child element <interceptor/> into the task. This element has one attribute indicating the name of the interceptor class to use and contains a child <classpath/> element that defines where the .class files for interceptor are loaded from. See below for an example of how to use the above interceptor. Any number of Interceptors can be added and each interceptor will be invoked in turn until one filters out the attribute or until there are no more interceptors left.

<metaclassGen destDir="target/classes">
    <fileset dir="src/java"/>
    <interceptor name="example.intercept.StandardJavadocStripper">
            <pathelement location="myInterceptor.jar"/>