

MetaClass : MetaClass provides runtime access to attributes specified in javadoc format.


XInvoke : XInvoke is a framework which provides a simple means of compile-time and run-time management of chains of "Interceptors" for classes, objects and methods. The inteceptor chains will be executed for each method call.


XSyslog : A toolkit to help configuring logging subsystem for an application. The logging toolkit is primarily designed to be easily accessible to administrators while still being extensible by developers.


SwingActions : A manager component for Swing Actions which supports configuration via XML and includes a factory for Action related Swing Components, such as JButton, JMenu etc ...


Alchemist : A utility component for transforming objects of different COP frameworks, usually performing equivalent or similar roles. Eg it provides transformation methods between the type-1 frameworks Avalon and DNA.

JMX Tools

JMX Tools : JMX based components.

MetaClass JMX

MetaClass JMX : Expose objects as MBeans using MetaClass MetaData.


SCA : Components to create a Scalable Communications Architecture.